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Visualize your
golf swing

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Visualize, analyze, and compare golf swing with our app.

A golf app brings amazing features

A golf app brings amazing features

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Litmoves can help you break down and analyze your golf swing. Or just use it to create high quality videos in your social media.

Litmoves can help you break down and analyze your golf swing. Or just use it to create high quality videos in your social media.

Your videos are securely processed in the cloud.

Your videos are securely processed in the cloud.

Compatible with most devices.

Compatible with most devices.

Developed with feedback from many pros and coaches.

Developed with feedback from many pros and coaches.

LitMoves is for everyone!

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Can be used by teaching pros to communicate better with their students.

Can be used by teaching pros to communicate better with their students.

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Amateur golfers can use it to better understand their swing.

Amateur golfers can use it to better understand their swing.

Three easy steps
to get started

Three easy steps
to get started


Get LitMoves app from the App Store or Google Play Store.


Upload your golf swing video. May be Front or Down the Line view. We recommend to use minimum 120 fps.


Once processed, your golf swing visualization will be available for you anytime.

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Swing Analysis Lines

No need to draw lines over each video manually. They are created automatically for you, but you can always create your own.

Swing Analysis Lines

No need to draw lines over each video manually. They are created automatically for you, but you can always create your own.

Club Tracing, Yes Automatically

LitMoves provides automated club head path tracing for videos that are 120 fps or higher.

Club Tracing, Yes Automatically

LitMoves provides automated club head path tracing for videos that are 120 fps or higher.

We know where your hands are!

You can review the hand movement surface with our Hand Tracing.

We know where your hands are!

You can review the hand movement surface with our Hand Tracing.

Auto Sync Views

LitMoves allows you to sync Front and Down the Lines views so you can understand your swing from all angles. (Coming soon)

Auto Sync Views

LitMoves allows you to sync Front and Down the Lines views so you can understand your swing from all angles. (Coming soon)

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Download now and start enjoying!

Download now and start enjoying!

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